Tips for organizing your home

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There is no better feeling than a well-organized, functional home. When your spaces are clutter-free, there is more peaceful energy. And, you can find everything without tearing through your whole house! So, it is also time-saving! No matter what you are trying to organize, the basic recipe is empty, sort, clean. You don’t have to complete a project in one day. Maybe you only have time for one drawer. Just get it started and sometimes that’s all it takes to get the momentum going! Here are some organizational tips for the busiest rooms in your home!



Start off by tossing anything broken, stained, missing lids, or in poor condition. Add a protective liner to your cabinet shelves. Use risers to stack bowls and plates. Keep essentials such as paper towels and everyday use items in an easy-to-reach spot. Use drawer organizers to keep your utensils and kitchen gadgets easy to find. Expandable tiered shelves are great for keeping spices visible.

To organize your refrigerator, start by emptying it. Wipe down all the shelves, walls, and doors. Then toss anything old or expired. Sort like items, such as condiments, and put them in a clear lazy Susan. Use clear plastic bins to hold other items, such as juice boxes, etc. You will love opening your refrigerator and finding what you need right away.




Who doesn’t love an amazing Pinterest pantry? You can easily have your own version of one too! Empty out your pantry, wipe down the shelves, place down a protective shelf liner, sort similar items into groups, now you are ready to put it all back together!

Busy cardboard packaging makes a pantry look messy. Use clear containers to hold cereals, pasta, cookies, etc. Baskets and bins are great for holding things like granola bars, chips, and vegetables. And label everything! It makes it easy to restock! Shelves aren’t the only storage space in your pantry. Use walls to hang aprons, cutting boards, and a broom. You can even install a spice rack on the back of the door!




The goal in the bathroom is to keep things simple and easy to use. When you are getting ready in the morning, time is of the essence. You don’t want to be searching for something! Clutter-free counters are a must! Corral your most-used products into a tray and place it at the back of the counter. Use containers and jars to keep q-tips, cotton balls, and hair ties handy. Drawer dividers are great for keeping toothpaste, floss, and contacts organized. Clear bins with lids are perfect for under cabinet storage. Label them so it’s easy to remember what’s in them!

Get rid of the towel bars and install hooks. Hooks are a much more efficient way to hang towels. Roll up towels and display them on a shelf or the corner of the tub for a spa vibe.




Depending on the amount of time you have set aside for your closet that day, empty that space. Maybe it’s the whole closet, or maybe it’s one section, just empty it. Toss what you haven’t touched in two years. If the last time you tried it on you hated it, toss it. If it doesn’t bring you joy, toss it.

Get matching felt hangers. I can’t stress this enough. These make all the difference! They use less space, hold your clothes on, and the unity of one color makes your eyes happy.

Maximize every inch of space in your closet. Hang hats, scarves, belts, etc. on the walls. Use baskets or bins on the top shelves. There are a lot of options for shoe storage such as floor shelves, hanging racks, and over-the-door storage. Pack away out-of-season items in zipper storage bags. This frees up so much space!



Living Room

Living happens in your living room, which makes it a hotspot for clutter. Start by decluttering all flat surfaces (coffee table, end tables, shelves, etc.). Next, create a home for everything. Style your flat surfaces with storage such as decorative boxes, jars, bowls, and baskets. Actually, you’re going to want to use baskets for everything! They’re perfect for storing blankets, toys, and even hiding electronics! Storage ottomans and benches are also great options!




While you can organize a garage section by section, it might be best to set aside at least a full day or weekend to get it done. Empty your entire garage, draft a floor plan, now you’re ready to put it back together! When possible, keep items off the floor and utilize vertical and overhead space. Installing cabinets, shelves, and pegboards will maximize storage. Vertical bike storage is one of the best things ever. Stackable plastic bins are also a must in the garage!



Organizing your home can feel intimidating at first thought. Just remember you don’t have to tackle it all at once. Give yourself time and grace. If you are having trouble getting started, pick the easiest drawer in your home to organize and just do that one. Sometimes completing a task will inspire you to do more. Again, the recipe is simple…empty (take everything out), sort (decide what to toss or keep), clean (wipe down and put back together). Happy organizing, friends!

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